As Long As I Live - Hindi Poem
Weak is the one who trembles on seeing a storm coming. Here is a poem by Manas Madrecha, that narrates how indispensable it is to have belief in oneself even in times of peril. I can't do it or I don't have the time to do it are mere excuses, reflecting lack of self-confidence. One must perform such marvellous actions that the entire world begin to admire your ingenuity.

Weak is the one who trembles on seeing a storm coming. Here is a Hindi poem on Life by Manas Madrecha, that narrates how indispensable it is to have belief in oneself even in times of peril. “I can’t do it” or “I don’t have the time to do it” are mere excuses, reflecting lack of self-confidence. One must perform such marvellous actions that the entire world begin to admire your ingenuity.
Original Poem
जब तक जीवित हूँ तब तक
रूकावटों का क्या हैं ‘मानस’, आती जाती रहती हैं ।
चट्टानों को चीरकर भी, नित्य सरिता बहती हैं ॥
लगता नहीं हैं भय हमें, किसी भावी तूफ़ान से ।
अड़िग पहाड़ की भाँति ‘मानस’, खड़े हैं डटकर शान से ॥
शक्ति से परिचित होकर, ‘मानस’ कर्म करो विदग्ध ।
ऐसा दिखा अवि-तेजस भू पर, देख विश्व रह जाए स्तब्ध ॥
इतना दृढ़ निश्चय रख ‘मानस’, वज्र संकोच में पड़ जाए ।
संकल्प का शिखर साधकर, चिर नाम इतिहास में गढ़ जाए ॥
लघु काल में नर-जीवन के, करना हैं गर जन्म सार्थक ।
जारी रखो प्रयास निरंतर, भूल कर भी ‘मानस’ मत थक ॥
मालूम पुष्प को हैं ‘मानस’, चंद प्रहर में मुरझाउँगा ।
जब तक जीवित हूँ तब तक, संसार सुगन्धित कर जाउँगा ॥
© Poem by Manas Madrecha
Transliteration into English
Jab Tak Jeevit Hoon Tab Tak
Rukaawato ka kya hain ‘Manas’, aati jaati rehti hain,
Chattano ko cheerkar bhi, nitya sarita behti hain…
Lagta nahi hain bhay hume, kisi bhavi toofaan se,
Adig pahaad ki bhaanti ‘Manas’, khade hain datkar shaan se…
Shakti se parichit hokar, ‘Manas’ karma karo vidagdh,
Aisa dikha avi-tejas bhoo par, dekh vishwa reh jaaye stabdh…
Itna nischay dridh rakh ‘Manas’, vajra sankoch mein pad jaayen,
Sankalp ka shikhar saadhkar, chir naam itihaas mein gadh jaayen…
Laghu kaal mein nar-jeevan ke, karna hain gar janm saarthak,
Jaari rakho prayaas nirantar, bhool kar bhi ‘Manas’ mat thak…
Maalum pushpa ko hain ‘Manas’, chand prahar mein murjhaaunga,
Jab tak jeevit hoon tab tak, sansaar sugandhit kar jaaunga…
© Poem by Manas Madrecha
English Translation
As Long As I Live
What is the big deal about obstacles? They come and go.
Even by piercing the boulders, the river keeps on flowing always…
I don’t get afraid of any storm that is likely to come.
Like an unflinching mountain, I’m firmly standing with pride…
By getting acquainted with power, perform ingenious actions.
Exhibit such radiance of sun on the earth, upon seeing which, the world gets dazed…
Have such a determined decision, that even thunderbolt becomes abashed.
By achieving the summit of resolution, the name gets engraved in history forever…
In short span of a human life, if you want to make your birth worthwhile, then keep on the efforts continuously and do not get tired even by mistake…
The flower is aware of the fact that I’m going to wither away in couple of hours.
But as long as I live, I’m going to blossom the world…
© Poem by Manas Madrecha

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