First talk about your self - Hindi Poem
We often overlook our own limitations, not because we don't pay attention to ourselves, but we are more delightfully engrossed in finding other's. A poem on self by Manas Madrecha that advises us to primarily be focused on getting one's flaws rectified before criticizing others and be aware of how great one is.

We often overlook our own limitations, not because we don’t pay attention to ourselves, but we are more delightfully engrossed in finding other’s. Following is a poem on self by Manas Madrecha that advises us to primarily be focused on getting one’s flaws rectified before criticizing others and be aware of how great one is. If one aspires for impeccability, then one must self-analyze and deal with own foibles rather than relish the prospect of highlighting other’s imperfections.
Hindi Poem on Self
पहले खुद की बात करो

दुसरों की ख़ामियां निकालने, वक़्त नहीं बरबाद करो।
निज का कर विश्लेषण ‘मानस’, पहले खुद की बात करो।।

आइने को धूमिल न समझो, गर हो ‘मानस’ आप पर दाग।
स्वीकार कर कमियां अपनी, करो मलिनता झटपट त्याग।।

बना लिया दायित्व ‘मानस’, करना इंगित पर-दोष ही।
पर बारी आते मूँदते आँख, स्वत्रुटियों के बृहत् कोष की।।

बहिर्गामी बनकर ‘मानस’, मत करना आत्म-जग नज़रअंदाज़।
बाहर ढूंढ़ना निष्फल है, सुख की कुंजी स्वयं के पास।।

अंतर्मुखी द्रष्टा बनो, न बाह्य जग के ‘मानस’ कामी।
रहें स्मरण तुम ब्रह्म हो, अनंत ज्ञानबल के स्वामी।।

देखने लायक इस जहां में, हैं ‘मानस’ चीज़ें बहोत सी।
पर गौर से देखना फुरसत में, इक दफा कभी खुद को भी।।
© Poem by मानस मादरेचा
English Transliteration
Pehle Khud Ki Baat Karo
Dusro ki khaamiya nikaalne, waqt nahi barbaad karo;
Nij ka kar vishleshan ‘Manas’, pehle khud ki baat karo…
Aaine ko dhoomil na samjho, gar ho ‘Manas’ aap par daag;
Sweekar kar kamiyaa apni, karo malintaa jhatpat tyaag…
Banaa liya daayitva ‘Manas’, karna ingit par-dosh hi;
Par baari aate moond lete aankh, swa-tritiyon ke brihat kosh ki…
Antarmukhi drashtaa bano, na baahya jag ke ‘Manas’ kaami;
Rahe smaran tum brahma ho, anant gyaanbal ke swami…
Dekhne laayak is jahaan mein, hain ‘Manas’ chize bahot si;
Par gaur se dekhna fursat mein, ik dafaa kabhi khud ko bhi…
© Manas Madrecha ki Kavita
English Translation
First Talk About Yourself - Poem on Self
Do not waste your time in highlighting other’s failures. Having analyzed your own self, first talk about yourself…
Do not perceive the mirror to be pallid, if you’ve blemish of your own. By accepting your shortcomings, straight away cast aside the grime…
We have made it our obligation to only point out other’s faults. But, as soon as the chance comes, the eyes connive at the huge repository of our own flaws…
Having become attracted to external world, do not disregard your inner world. To search outside is in vain when the key to happiness lies with your own self…
Be an internal seer, and not desirous of external world. Remember you are the supreme soul and master of infinite knowledge & strength…
There are many remarkable things in the world that are worth-seeing. But, at least once in leisure, keenly do look at your own self too…
© Poem by Manas Madrecha

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