To Fulfill Great Dreams – Hindi Poem on dreams
Small aim is a crime. Here is a Hindi poem that elucidates on having great ambitions and being ready to become exclusive. To dream big, is the first step towards attaining magnificence in life.

Small aim is a crime. Here is a Hindi poem on dreams by Manas Madrecha, that elucidates on having great ambitions and being ready to become exclusive . To dream big , is the first step towards attaining magnificence in life.
Sapno par Hindi kavita
करने भव्य स्वप्न साकार
लिखना हैं स्वर्ण अक्षरों से, तुम्हें गौरवमय विश्व इतिहास।
लीक से हटकर चाल चलो, भले हो ‘मानस’ फिर परिहास।।
स्व-मुँह खोना समूह में, या बनानी हैं विशिष्ट पहचान।
जीना आम की भाँति ‘मानस’, या करना हर सूँ अंकित नाम।।
ना हो कोई इंतहा ‘मानस’, विस्तीर्ण आकाश के समान।
अनंत क्षितिज की तरह देखो, कहीं सपनो पर न लगे लगाम।।
किस पथ पर चलना हैं ‘मानस’, कर लो इसका अभी चयन।
रह जाओ फिर तनहा राही, तो भी ना हो आर्द्र नयन।।
उद्देश्य जीवन का ‘मानस’, मात्र रहना नहीं दीर्घ जीवित।
परिकाष्ठा सधे मानवता की, हो तो ही सफल जन्म किंचित।।
युगपुरुष बनना हैं ‘मानस’, या करना हैं भवसागर पार।
अब किए हैं लक्ष्य निर्धारित, तो रखो हौसला तदनुसार।।
मीलों फैले मग ‘मानस’, डगमग पग नहीं करते पार।
वक्ष तनो, भयमुक्त बनो, करने भव्य स्वप्न साकार।।
©मानस मादरेचा की सपनों पर हिन्दी कविता
English Transliteration
Karne Bhavya Swapna Saakaar
Likhna hain swarna aksharo se, tumhe gauravmay vishwa itihaas,
Leek se hatkar chaal chalo, bhale ho ‘Manas’ fir parihaas…
Swa-muh khona samuh mein, ya banaani hain vishishtha pehchaan,
Jeena aam ki bhaanti ‘Manas’, ya karna har soo ankit naam…
Naa ho koi intahaa ‘Manas’, viteerna aakash ke samaan,
Anant kshitij ki tarah dekho, kahi sapno par na lage lagaam…
Kis path par chalna hain ‘Manas’, kar lo iska abhi chayan,
Reh jaao fir tanhaa raahi, toh bhi naa ho aardra nayan…
Uddeshya jeevan ka ‘Manas’, maatra rehna nahi deergh jeevit,
Parikaashtha sadhe manavta ki, ho toh hi safal janm kinchit…
Yugpurush ban na hain ‘Manas’, ya karna hain bhavsagar paar,
Ab kiye hain lakshya nirdharit, toh rakho hausla tadanusaar…
Meelo faile mag ‘Manas’, dagmag pag nahi karte paar,
Vaksha tano, bhaymukt bano, karne bhavya swapna saakaar…
© Manas Madrecha ki Sapno par Hindi kavita
Hindi Poem on Dreams
To Fulfill Great Dreams
You have to write the prestigious history of the world with golden words.
Unstuck yourself from the rut and walk your tread, even if you’re mocked about it.
Do you want to lose your face in the mob or do you want to carve out an exclusive image?
Do you want to live like a common man or do want to cast an impression of the name everywhere?
Let there be no limits, like the vast sky.
Like the infinite horizon, see to it that the dreams aren’t reined in.
On which path, you have to walk - take this choice now.
Then, even if you remain a solitary wayfarer, do not let the eyes become wet.
The purpose of life is not to merely live for a long time.
If one accomplishes the summit of humanity, only then the birth is worthwhile to some extent.
Do you want to become the person of the millennia or swim across the sea of birth and death?
Now that you have decided your goals, then keep the requisite morale accordingly.
The legs that shake, are unable to cross the roads that are scattered for miles.
Firm up the chest and be fearless, to fulfill great dreams…
© Hindi Poem on Dreams by Manas Madrecha

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