Whose Fault Is It? How to deal with excuses?
Whose Fault Is It? How to deal with excuses?

Excuses are our companions that help us in coming out of any sticky situation. We are expert in passing on the ball of blame onto someone or something else and wiping our own hands clean. But, deep down, we all have the cognizance to figure out whose fault it is: Us.
But, NO! I won’t accept my mistake. I won’t accede to the fact that it is me who was wrong. Because, instead of looking like a vile or a foolish person by letting others know that it was my fault, I will justify my vice by either saying that something instigated or someone provoked me to do so.
Examples of blaming others
- If I myself have a greedy nature, I’ll blame the money to be to the root cause of all evils.
- If I am a lazy person who does not work hard, I’ll assert the reason behind my poverty to be bad luck that never favors me.
- If I fail, instead of acknowledging my weakness, I will shed off my shortcomings by quoting that either other person was stronger or a cheat.
- If I develop the iniquity of lust for someone, I’ll say that person provoked me or induced reprehensible demeanor in me.
However, don’t we all know whose fault is it really!
Know who is to blame indeed
Upon seeing a diamond, if a desire pops up in you, then it’s not the fault of the diamond, but yours alone; similarly, upon seeing some person, if an immoral feeling takes birth in your mind, then it’s not the fault of that person, but yours alone.
~ Manas Madrecha quotes
RELATED: Truth is above everything - Hindi Poem
Why to not play Blame game?
So, next time, when you lose your conscience and start playing the blame-game, STOP! Merely by passing the accusation on else won’t lower your immorality. If you are responsible, embrace the reality. Accept, regret and strive to make things better, if not worse. Because life always gives you second chance.
However, committing mistakes is not absolutely deplorable. You can rectify it by genuinely repenting anytime. What makes the matter serious is your denial of the truth. But, truth shall always prevail, maybe amongst the people who know it or if not openly, then, at least in you, who knows whose fault is it!
© by Manas Madrecha

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