Darkness of Night - English Poem on Night

Darkness of Night poem
As we lie on our beds at night, as an escape from the tedious monotony of the entire day, unintentionally our minds indulge into retrospection of the events of our day. Not only do we ponder over past, but even, at times, question the very purpose of living for the sake of existing. Yet, not unlike any other night, we fall asleep and rise in the morning, with hopes of finding new hopes.
Here is “Darkness of Night” - an English poem on Night by Manas Madrecha composed in August 2015, that delineates how a human being, whose undecided mind is occupied with the thoughts of life at night, and, slowly but steadily, marches towards the Truth of Self, by asking the right questions.
It also remarks the intricacy of such Truths, that can’t be comprehended in just one night’s span, owing to which the person has to defer his contemplation and wake up, like everyone else. Enjoy reading. 😊
English poem on Night
Tired and troubled, when I,
Lie on my bed, to doze;
The mind then awakens me,
As soon as my eyes close…
Flick on the flimsy drape of eyes,
Stirring events of previous day;
Forgive me if I didn’t keep my,
Unbridled, undue rage at bay…
Raisan d’etre of existence,
‘Manas’, baffles me outright;
But light shines most brilliantly,
In darkness of the night…
A quest for WHY manifests,
A labyrinth of musings;
As I tread on hills of Truth,
More doubts one answer brings…
Convolving and coiling unto,
Occluded in viscous trap;
I struggle to unravel the whirl,
But twisting thoughts turn to nap…
Gets engulfed then consciousness,
By the dreams shut eyes peep;
To begin anew on the morrow,
I plunge myself to sleep…
© Poem on Night by Manas Madrecha

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