The Judge – Story on double standards

Double standards are not uncommon in modern world wherein exists variety of clamorous people asserting their right to freedom with perceptible self-determination. But these torch-bearers of freedom of expression, belief and life, are the first ones to scowl when someone does exercise this right. It’s okay for these people to put forth their demands but these same people conjecture judgements when someone else does the same, owing to their narrow mindset and personality’s hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is the duplicity of one’s character. On one hand, we may make rules, set principles and sermonize about morals, which is not at all fallacious; but it is when we ourselves don’t abide by those rules, contravene the principles and flout those morals, that hypocrisy transpires.
What is person known by?
A person may be noted by the standards he flaunt ostentatiously, but is known by the double standards that unveils his true disposition subconsciously.
Here’s a short story that I came across, that narrates how the society vehemently endorses equality, but meekly conforms with conventional hypocrisy, when the perspective is the other way round.
Short story on Hypocrisy
Chapter 1
Their families had initiated the conversation. The boy and the girl then met at a coffee shop for the first time.
And their conversation eventually moved from one subject to another.
“And I really want you to keep an open mind about everything. I am not a girl who would be confined to the kitchen. I have an outgoing personality and I live my life to the fullest. Also, I believe that women are everything that men can be, and more. I have a successful career and I will continue to work after marriage as well.”
The guy merely nodded.
“Are you judging me?” she asked in a stern tone.
“Not at all,” he replied.
“You don’t want to talk about yourself?” she asked him.
Chapter 2
The guy cleared his throat and began.
“I like staying indoors. I have always been someone who valued spending time at home. I am a great cook, and I was once planning to become a chef. I also enjoy cleaning the house. Actually, my mother used to be unwell, and I had to do the tidying up. I guess it just caught on.”
He continued, “I would love to be home and get everything sorted before you arrive from work. A hot cup of tea would be waiting for you every single evening. I just don’t want to become part of the daily corporate grind, though. I work now and earn well, but I don’t want to do this forever. It’s boring and tiring. After marriage, I want to sit at home. That’s it. I want to sit at home and enjoy the finer things in life”.
The girl stared at him.
“Are you judging me?” he asked her.
“I am so happy that I finally found someone who would be willing to earn for the house as I go about looking after it. Trust me, I will be the best homemaker ever,” he said.
Later that evening, the girl called her parents.
“No mom. This guy is a weirdo. Talks the most impractical things. Wants me to feed him all my life. Why should I slog out? I can’t marry that guy, please.”
© Story by Abhijit Chakraborty, via The Anonymous Writer Facebook page

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